Monday, July 19, 2010


I seemed to have developed a pattern of moving every 12 months or so. I've been living in Alabama for 5 years and have lived in 3 different apartments and 2 different houses, going on 3 houses. This is one pattern I'd be happy to break, moving is stressful!

Things are going well, about half of the house is there and ready to go, I've been trying to move some, unpack, move a little more, unpack more, so that when we're actually there for good the unpacking won't be quite so overwhelming. I still have way too much stuff, even though I'll be taking a truck load to the Greater Huntsville Humane Society Thrift Store this afternoon. 2200sqft to 800sqft is a huge change!! Currently Kitty's Vintage is stuffed into a closet, all boxed and wrapped. I'm having to combine 2 very large rooms into one really small one, it's going to take time, but my masterful organizing skills will be put to the test, even though the boyfriend is quite skeptical.

There are still 2 full weeks before house #1 has to be vacant and there's not a whole lot left to move except for the essentials, which we can't move until the cable is turned on!! I'll keep you posted on the move progress and when I can unbox Kitty's Vintage!!

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