Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Today I will send off my first international package! That's a big step for Kitty's Vintage, and I'm VERY excited about it! So, thanks Pidge, I hope you enjoy the purse!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day

Happy (belated) Valentine's Day! I know I'm a day late, but I didn't even call my parents until this morning either! Part of being unemployed and living on an extreme budget means there isn't a lot of money for holidays. This year, I convinced my guy to write me a love letter. He balked at first, said he wasn't a letter writer, but he came home from work with this beautiful letter.

I've read it several times today and will continue to read it every day.

Today I went to my yoga class, it was full, unlike last Thursday. We had a tiny bit of snow and the whole city freaked out, but I went to yoga and ended up being the only one there, so I got a private yoga lesson, she helped me on my form, which was really great!

I spent some time today loading new items onto etsy, so make sure to check it out! And, I've ordered several 1940s, WWII cookbooks and pamphlets on how to stretch the food in your pantry. I can't wait to receive them, hopefully tomorrow!!!

And I'd like to wish my first college roommate a very happy birthday!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Most Amazing Shopping Day

Happy Groundhog Day, and Happy Birthday to my cousin Ali!

So, yesterday, I went on the hunt for a large jewelry box for my dresser, my littlest kitten finds great joy in playing with my earrings at 2am, so they need to be hidden! I did not find a jewelry box, however, I did find some really amazing things.

1. Jacqueline Kennedy: A Portrait in Courage - this book is from 1966 and I'm absolutely in love with it, this will go in my personal connection!
2. One store had about 10 vintage ladies hats, little dainty ones, I bought 3, one tan and two black. Simply stunning.
3. Amazing gold filigree dresser mirror - I will end up painting this, but it's simply incredible.
4. Pearl bead purse - I saw this in the display case as I was looking for enamel pins and just had to have it.
5. 2 precious nightgowns - one is long and white cotton with large pink flowers, looks brand new and the other is pale yellow, short and has a matching robe.

I will add pictures soon, my camera batteries died! Both of them!

I also found about 10 sweet baby dresses, so look for those coming soon!! Cheers!