Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Holiday Rant

i love holidays, always have.  my mom would decorate the house for every possible holiday growing up.  we had tons of those thin cardboard cut-out decorations and my sister and i had great fun changing the shapes for each season/holiday.

i don't see why we have to rush things when it comes to holidays.  why do we have to start preparing for one holiday before others have even come?

i noticed yesterday that a local radio station has already started playing christmas music 24/7.  thanksgiving is still a week away!  i have no issue with starting that next friday, but why now?

it seems to me that retailers don't make a lot of money for thanksgiving, so why even acknowledge it?!  there is nothing for them after halloween when people spent billions on costumes and candy.  until christmas. 

i refuse to listen to christmas music before next friday, and i love christmas music!  i won't decorate, shop, or bake. 

this world needs to slow down a bit and enjoy the days as they come.  thanksgiving is an important holiday, reflecting on the year and being truly grateful for all the blessings you have in your life.  don't overlook that one.  celebrate.

ok, i'm done, it just irks me!

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