Friday, September 28, 2012

new to the shop

i just added several new dresses to the shop, enjoy!

Jenny on the Job

The star of this series is the blond-haired, blue-eyed Jenny, serving as the model production worker. She sets an example to other women, probably new to industrial jobs, of how to work safely and efficiently, doing her best to help the war effort.

The government encouraged entry of women into the workforce, replacing the men now fighting overseas.  “Jenny on the Job” showcased eight posters issued in 1943 by the United States Public Health Services. The artist was Kula Robbins.

I can't find any information on the artist, but I really love these posters!

which poster is your favorite?  leave it in the comments!

source: northwestern university library

Thursday, September 27, 2012

etsy roundup - tastefully nude

i love the idea of a monochromatic look, especially when you match your dress to your skin!  today i'm wearing an almost nude pink dress with gold glitter ballet flats.  every time i wear the shoes, people think i'm barefoot.  i think it is a classy look, here are a few you can find on etsy:

Monday, September 24, 2012

have you ever had a bad time in levi's?

awesome 1970s print ads for Levis's jeans!

here are some amazing levi's for gals you can purchase:

1930's Avant Garde shoes

Steven Arpad (1904–1999), a French shoe designer, experimented with shoe design in 1939 and produced many avant-garde pieces. His shoes are featured in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and exist as some of the only records of his designs as he worked anonymously under various fashion houses. The shoes are modern, weird, current and many look as if they just came off the runways of New York Fashion Week! Browse the museum’s collection of Steven Arpad’s shoes: Metropolitan Museum of Art – Steven Arpad. The shoes below are my favorite of the 70+ designs.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

etsy roundup - wise old owl

If you've known me for any amount of time, you know that I have a major thing for owls.  Not only are they beautiful creatures known for their wise nature, the owl was also the symbol of my sorority, Chi Omega.  I have many owl trinkets and even an owl tattoo on my foot.  Here are some owls I found on etsy!

Tara gave me a blue one for my birthday this year!!

I have a set of these, but they are lighter tan!

I really want this one!

Wouldn't this look great with the ring above?!

What do you like to collect?